Why is sleep so important?
Sleep promotes growth
Growth hormones are secreted in young children during certain sleep stages. If your little one is only dipping in and out of light sleep and having very restless nights, then they are not going to reach those deeper stages of sleep, where the growth hormones are released.
Memory consolidation takes place during sleep
We need good quality sleep in order for our brains to send information from the day from the hippocampal memory into the hypocortex memory. The hypocortex memory is your long term file storage, where information can be retrieved way into the future when needed.
Sleep is vital for emotional health
During REM the limbic system becomes very active, while the prefrontal cortex deactivates, this is why our dreams are often unrealistic. Studies have shown this important brain activity and rest during sleep enable us to process and regulate our emotions better during the day. Which can lead to better behaviour.